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  1. Zara – thanks for thoughtful tips. Also – thanks for hosting all these authors on your blog each year. I always find good reads through this blog and learn more about the authors I love. Plus, I discover new authors. I do love listening to music and reading romances. I have to admit, I have been plowing through books this year – those wonderful romances have saved me and reinvigorated me to get back to my own writing!.

    1. I so love doing the interviews and learning about writer’s lives. We all bring such different experiences to our books. So glad you have found some great reads here.

  2. Oh I love these! I find listening to classical music in the car while I drive soothes me–when my anxiety is bad, I get lyrics stuck in my head, so I need the stuffy, wordless kind. 🙂 And walking the dog gets my blood flowing and and puts me in a better frame of mind. Also, meditation when things are really stressful.

    1. Great suggestions. Anna and you both pointed out how music can calm us. Walking a dog and being outdoors is also a great idea.

  3. Hi Zara,

    Listening to my favorite music has always been my number one go to for stress relief. Thanks for these tips. I’ll give them a try.

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