Amara Royce Once Beloved

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  1. I first picked up one of your books (Never Too Late) because I like reading romances set in the Victorian era. (And then I kept reading because I like reading well-written books!) What led you to set a novel in that era?

    1. Evelyn:
      Thanks so much! I’m pleased you enjoy my work! The Victorian era was an easy decision for me! My academic background focused heavily on nineteenth century British literature (especially George Eliot and Charlotte Bronte). Plus, I’m fascinated by so much about the era–so many changes happening in society, industry, politics, science, technology!

  2. Zara:

    Thanks so much for hosting me! I’m still digging out from yesterday’s snowpocalypse in eastern PA but will be checking in throughout the afternoon! Questions are welcome! And my sympathies to anyone else caught in the March snowstorms!

    1. We got three feet and it’s still snowing! A good day for reading. I just bought Once Beloved and as soon as I finish my editing for today on Book 2 in the Skin Quartet, I’m going to curl up and read it. I love the Victorian period. There was so much change going on economically, in women’s rights, and more. Have you been watching the Victoria series on PBS?

      1. It started snowing again here about an hour ago! Ugh!

        Thanks! Hope you enjoy Once Beloved!

        I haven’t caught Victoria! I keep forgetting when it’s on! I figure I’ll wait until I can stream it on Netflix and binge-watch!

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