Book Signing Party

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  1. I went to my first book signing last weekend. I was being such a fangirl, all nervous and shy LOL! I got to meet Kathleen Baldwin, Lorraine Heath, and Addison Fox. It was held at my local library. I know authors are just like ordinary people but I am still starstruck! What I wouldn’t give to have half the talent y’all do!!

    1. That’s why book signings are so wonderful. You get to see that authors are real people who just happen to like imagining stories and writing them down.

  2. Great ideas! I will definitely use a few at my next signing. The most successful one I’ve held has been with a fellow author friend at a local winery. The owners were accommodating, the atmosphere was awesome, and everyone had a great time. Thanks for the tips

    1. I hope you you find the courage. I was surprised at how supportive all my friends and neighbors were. Now I am trying out my first Facebook Party on the 17th. I am excited to see how it goes.

  3. Great ideas! Thanks so much for sharing your insight. Location is definitely key and an easy to get to central location doesn’t hurt!

    1. I actually think you need to do a variety of places not just one signing day. You have to consider the setting and theme of your book and where readers would be who would be interested. For example, many bookstores don’t even carry romance novels.

  4. What great tips! I will definitely use some for my next book signing party. Thanks.

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