Romance Author Maria Imbalzano Loves the Florida Keys
In today’s interview, romance author and fellow New Jersey Romance Writers member, Maria Imbalzano, shares her writing influences and her very special writing space.
Welcome Maria Imbalzano,
Where is your favorite place to write?
When I first decided to write a book, twenty-six years ago, we had one computer in a small room off the family room which was sometimes called a library and sometimes called a playroom (depending on how messy it was and how many of the kids’ toys were around).
Several years later, my husband bought a teak desk and a set of drawers to match. His purpose was to have a home office in our spare room on the second floor, although I have no idea what he needed a home office for. We were both lawyers at a law firm in Lawrenceville which was a few miles from our house. We didn’t work at home. If we needed to get something done on a weekend, we just drove to the office.
Unfortunately for him, as soon as the desk arrived, I moved my computer to it, (by then we had purchased another computer for our daughters), and spread all my notebooks, reference books, paper, pens etc. to his brand-new desk and took it over. I’ve been known to take over every closet in the house, so it couldn’t have been a surprise.
Since then, I bought a laser printer and three more cabinets with drawers to store my growing love of writer’s supplies. I could literally open up a lending library for authors. I have craft books, marketing books, dictionaries, thesauruses and more on shelves and in cabinets.
To keep me motivated, I have several of my writing awards on what is now my desk. I also have two clocks, neither of which is currently ticking, and two lamps. (I’m not sure why I have two of either of these things).
Behind me, in the corner, is an elliptical machine in case the spirit moves me (although I’m a Jazzerciser and go every day to a class, so the machine sits idle). There is also a TV on the wall which I never turn on. I don’t want or need background noise when I’m writing.
So there you have it—my writing space—where I can be found almost every day. I’m including a photo of what it normally looks like (messy) and what I want it look like (neat).

Is there anything in your book based on real life experiences or is it purely imaginative?
“Island Detour” is my latest book. The setting of this book is at a fictional environmental school for high school juniors in the Florida Keys called Sunrise Island School. However, many years ago, I had learned about a real school in the Bahamas that was associated with The Lawrenceville School – a private high school about a mile from my house. It was a semester abroad type program for high school students where they would learn about the marine environment and conservation while continuing their normal studies. I was so intrigued that I developed a story based on this setting.
I also visit Key West every year, and have done so for the past thirty-six years. So my descriptions of the keys are accurate and based on my experiences. There are scenes in the book where Sophie is a bit of a fish-out-of-water when learning how to kayak, fish, and camp—requirements for teachers at Sunrise Island School. Her disasters were my disasters, although I have become much better at kayaking over the years.

How did you come up with the title?
The original title was “Island Fever,” but when I did a search of books by that title, there were several, and I didn’t want it to be confused with other books. So I went to ChatGPT, gave two sentences about the book, and asked for possible book titles. I received forty titles to consider, and didn’t use any, but the word detour was in one of them and I substituted detour for fever.
What are you working on now?
I have a series called the Sworn Sisters Series. It’s about four girlfriends from high school who are now in their 30s. Each of them has their own story. The first three books are out, (Sworn to Forget, Sworn to Remember, and Sworn to Fly) but it took me forever to finish the fourth and final book (Sworn to Collide). I finally pulled the plug (after writing three different versions) and sent it to my editor. Fingers crossed.
I am also working on the next book in the Sunrise Island Series. It is Maddie’s story and I’m looking forward to learning all about her.
What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
This particular criticism isn’t just written in reviews for one of my books. I see it over and over again in other book reviews. The criticism is “why don’t the two characters just talk to each other about their issue?” I would love to respond to this criticism and say “do people in real life always talk about their problems with each other?” The answer is no. People find it difficult to talk through their issues, therefore, they keep it to themselves and either the issue comes to a head and then they deal with it, or they never deal with it. I was a divorce lawyer for thirty-eight years, and I could tell you that many divorces happen because of lack of communication. I’m sure the counselors of the world would say the same thing in dealing with their clients. So, I would just ask readers to allow for a lack of communication between the hero and heroine and let the story unfold. Eventually, they will learn and grow.
The best compliment I received came from a woman I barely knew. Her husband was dying from cancer and she had a hard time sleeping at night. She told me that she loved my books, and they got her through those sleepless nights. What an honor!

Falsely accused of wrongdoing at a Princeton Prep school, Sophie Kearns accepts a temporary teaching position at an environmental school in the Florida Keys to wait out her suspension. The time away is meant to be an anxiety-free escape, but her clashes with the hot but arrogant marine biology teacher, Max Heaton, are anything but tranquil.
Max is determined to start an environmental research institute at the school, but he suspects the gorgeous new Lit teacher, who lacks even the most basic outdoor skills, is there to hinder that dream. Yet, something about her tames the demons from his past, and he can no longer ignore the fire she’s lit inside him.

While practicing law as a divorce attorney, I decided to try for some balance in my life and began writing romance. Thankfully, I found my creative bone. Instead of only drafting motions, legal memoranda, and briefs, although fascinating, I started to spend my free time creating memorable characters and taking them on their emotional journeys through my contemporary romance novels.
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