One Night with a Duchess by Sandra Masters a Zara West guest author

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  1. Ahh…this post brought to mind how my editor helped me to “remove” my emotions during those “red-line” edits. As a creative artist it’s difficult to take criticism. Now, my writing has flourished, and I can listen without stomping my feet and saying, “No!” I will be forever grateful to my editor. Psst…”Simply Dangerous” is one of my favorite reads. Wishing you all the best, Sandra!

    1. Mary:
      So nice to hear your comments. Yes, the emotions that rage within when an editor makes a valid comment. These are our children and it’s hard to listen. Then upon reflection, we say: She’s right, etc. and move on to perfecting our book.

      With regard to Simply Dangerous, Wulfric Bedwyn is my all time favorite hero. I am still in love with him. and Christina. Remember when he dove into the lake and shocked his brothers and sisters? Ahh……

      Take care and please stay in touch.

  2. Hello Cat:
    I know how hard it is to kill our darlings. This particular book took seven years. At times, I wanted to throw the novel against the wall. But I know it may sound like insanity, Raven and Samantha called to me. I gave them cameo appearances in my other four books. I was in LOVE with them. Against all odds, it happened. I’ve a great editor at The Wild Rose Press and they are great people who care about their 900 or so authors. I’m just a small fish, but they make me feel good.
    I confess I’ve saved those thousands of words to use for a different plot. Thank you for your good words. I’m a tough bird….it’s just that my wings have to heal. Good luck in all you do. Have a great evening and thanks for replying. Let’s exchange websites. Alway good to greet a fellow author. Good night.

  3. Thanks for sharing your writing procedure and the wonderful excerpt of your new Regency romance. I also know all about cutting words – my rough drafts are behemoths. But I’ve grown to enjoy, not dread, the weeding and whittling of words. I keep every revision, every draft because even though I kill the darlings, I don’t bury them. Speedy healing and all the best!

  4. Thanks, John. When I had my first right arm surgery in May, my critique “angel” partners gave me the software program Dragon. It is also available at no cost on our iPhones. I believe it is Dragon Dictation, but don’t quote me. You’re right, it was maddening with its 350 prompts that had to be learned. Eventually, I learned a lot of them. Good to have it though.
    As for cutting word, it always hurts, because they are precious to writers. The book was an epic 162,000 words pared down to 110,00 epic words!
    Looking at a writer’s life from my current position: The sun will shine. The moon will die so the sun can shine again. (Ahh, romance.) I will rise tomorrow. My right arm is healing and better. My left arm will heal. God is good and I am here doing what I love best (besides chatting with you.) Have a great evening and thank you again. Grin.

  5. Love the excerpt! I think you’re right about the pain of cutting words, as well as the benefit to the book after doing so. As a reader, I’m always torn between wanting more and wanting a story to move along. How writers and editors decide which to provide and when is a painstaking and heartbreaking process. But I’m glad they go through it. I also love your rules. Giving up is such a temptation, time and again. Writing, reading, life… the works. Never give up. When that fails, don’t give up. It says it all!
    Best of luck with your recovery. When I had a carpal tunnel problem some years back, I tried voice-activated features on my computer. That process is maddening, but the results weren’t bad. Keep writing. Whatever it takes.

  6. Morning Everyone: I live in a somewhat rural area and woke up to a blackout. We are functional now. So pleased to be on Zara West’s page. Kindly leave a comment and I’ll reply to any question. Working with one functional arm. Left rotator cuff surgery so my typing is slow. I believe the saying is that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. This book is one of my favorites and was seven years in the making. Had to cut thousands of words, but I’m happy Raven and Samantha made it to the publishing world. Have a great day.

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