Character as Verb Using Actions; The Actors' Thesaurus

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  1. This isn’t easy–at least for my current WIP–but I think it’s exactly what’s needed before I go further. I’m about to get on a plane — will think transitive verbs and actioning and see what I have by the time I land. Thanks Zara!

    1. So often we think of adjectives for our characters, but active verbs can really give them movement and force, and I find up the pacing in spots where straight description would drag. So far I think it’s definitely deepening my characters. I’ll post again when I have more written. Let me know if it helps you. I have to say the book Actions: The Actors’ Thesaurus is certainly great for finding those exciting verbs to use whether you apply them to your character or not. Great resource.

  2. I usually know how my characters will respond to a situation, but I never have put a word to it. It may work for some people. Interesting thought.

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