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  1. Thank you for the list of review/blog sites. I definitely read reviews. If the site allows, I look for links to other reviews by the same person. If the review is negative or not especially flattering, I’m curious to know if the reviewer has a pattern of negative reviews or reads another type of genre’ so this story may be out of his/her comfort zone. I am especially curious if most of the reviews are good why one would be bad.

    1. You make an excellent point. Knowing something about the reviewers likes and dislikes is important in how one values a review.

  2. I think you’re right on with all of these Zara.

    I’d also add, in addition to knowing it’s well-written and sucks you in, I want to know if I’m going to feel something. Will I laugh, cry, be uplifted, get angry, all of the above? And I definitely want to know if it’s hot and steamy. Bonus points for well-written, spicy sex scenes. 🙂

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